Who We Are |
它起源于福音派自由教会的传统,至今仍然是更大的播道会家庭的一部分。 基督教恩家播道会是新加坡播道总会(EFCS)的成员之一,牧者们定期开会,团契和祷告。 |
FGEFC stands for Family of Grace Evangelical Free Church.
It has its origins in the Evangelical Free Church tradition and remains very much a part of the larger EFC family. FGEFC is a member of the Evangelical Free Church of Singapore (EFCS) and its Pastoral Staff meets regularly for fellowship and prayer. |
Church Structure |
因此恩家播道会的行政政策是遵循会众模式。 教会以会友为最高权柄的教会体制。 教会议会的职员乃通过会众选举而组成。 |
FGEFC is a Congregational Church.
Hence its polity follows a Congregational model. The highest decision making body is the Congregation. The Congregation elects office bearers to form the Church Council. |
Our Worship |
在世的教会是圣徒的集聚团体。团体的崇拜就在此范围体现。 “传统的崇拜”,“现代的崇拜”是用来形容崇拜方式的词汇。本会的崇拜“方式”亦不是“传统崇拜”,也不是"现代崇拜“。 |
Our Worship is biblically defined as:
The Church is a gathering of the Saints and it is in this context that Corporate Worship takes place. Traditional worship, contemporary worship are common terms used to describe the "style" of worship. Ours is neither the one or the other. |
原则 一 : 基督成全了崇拜 原则 二 : 基督是我们崇拜的中心 原则 三 : 基督 乃道成肉身 圣言是崇拜的中心: (1) 祈祷圣言 (2) 阅读圣言 (3) 歌唱圣言 (4) 传讲圣言 (5) 注目圣言(圣餐/洗礼) 原则 四 : 有规例性 原则 五 : 简易 原则 六 : 有造就性 原则 七 : 有末世性 |
Our worship follows the principles described in Scripture:
Principle 1: Christ is the fulfillment of Worship Principle 2: Christ is the center of our Worship Principle 3: Christ, the WORD became flesh The WORD the center of our Worship: (1) Praying the WORD (2) Reading the WORD (3) Singing the WORD (4) Preaching the WORD (5) Seeing the WORD (The Lord’s Supper/Baptism) Principle 4: It is orderly Principle 5: It is guided by simplicity Principle 6: It is edifying Principle 7: It is eschatological |